Webinar: Bone Health For Life Introduction

December 14, 2018 2 min read

Webinar: Bone Health For Life Introduction

Bone Health For Life with Dr. Lani

Join Us Saturday, January 5th 2019 at 10 AM PST for the next Webinar in this series

If you missed the first webinar you will need to sign up for this one as it is new. Instead of a replay Dr. Lani is offering this event live for a second time. Come join us. You will be able to ask questions through the chat box during the webinar and she will answer as many questions as possible. This is a live show, of the first webinar in our ongoing series, that will include interviews with top bone specialists, case studies, how to check your bone density tests for accuracy, lab tests to determine bone loss, bone quality, the latest thinking on bone medications, hormone balancing, hypothyroid, hyper-parathyroidism, exercise and MUCH more.

Click Here to Register!
Please register in advance as space is limited. We will announce details for the replay of this Webinar for those who are unable to join us live.

Click Here to Register!


Upcoming Content:

• Fractures – what they mean and what you need to know should you end up in an emergency room. What questions to ask before submitting to surgeries.
• PAIN – WHAT IS CAUSING IT AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT – diagnosis is important for those suffering from acute or chronic pain. What do you need to make sure has been ordered on your behalf? Has surgery been recommended? What do you need to know about various types of surgery? What nutrients may help? What topical creams may help? Each of the topics below will likely be a separate presentation. I will show x-rays, MRIs, anatomy images to help you visualize your particular problem.
◦ Hip and loser back pain
◦ Sciatica
◦ Shoulder pain
◦ Knee pain
◦ Neck pain
◦ Abdominal pain
◦ Pain in other areas
• How to check your own bone density tests for obvious errors - tips to look for regarding the diagnostic pages and the reliability of the report
• Osteoarthritis how to prevent and treat
• Testing bone quality – Trabecular Bone Score
• FRAX: Understanding the 10-year fracture model.
• New research commentary videos
• The link between heart disease and osteoporosis
• Scoliosis and osteoporosis
• Anomalies and how they may impact osteoporosis in the spine.
• SPINE: structural and functional problems. Topics include: stenosis, degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and more.
• Hormones
• Medications and their impact on bone
• Latest studies regarding osteoporosis medications
• Pregnancy and lactation osteoporosis
• Case studies: osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, hormone imbalances
• Sinus infections and sinus care
• Digestion tips
• Demystifying nutrients needed for bone health
• Protein, how much and what type do we need.
• Headaches
• Hypothyroidism
• How to get a good night’s sleep – pillows, props, mattresses, Oh my!
• Primary Hyperparathyroidism
• Lab tests to determine whether or not active bone loss is occurring.
• Case studies using people in the group and others I have worked with
• Exercise videos and body mechanics - upper body weights. How to perform certain exercises correctly etc.