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Dr. Lani’s Green Soup

July 03, 2019 2 min read

Dr. Lani’s Green Soup

Dr. Lani’s Vegan Green Soup (you can also add yogurt if you consume dairy) This recipe makes 3-5 quarts, so you can freeze small amounts for future use.

I use a Vitamix high-speed blender for this soup.

The recipe below varies every time I cook it depending on the greens I have – sometimes I will use two chards or more kale – it depends on what I have on hand.

Save all cooking water to use when you blend the soup

  • 3 cups water and more, depending on the consistency that you want.
  • I bunch each – Collard greens, kale, Swiss chard, spinach (sometimes to make it easy I buy a 2 lbs. of organic mixed baby greens, in fact, this is my favorite way to prepare the soup now)
  • One large carrot
  • One large parsnip
  • One piece of celery
  • ½ bulb of fennel
  • Two medium onions
  • 2 Medium Potatoes – any will do, but I love Yukon gold next would be blue, red or russet.
  • I T curry powder
  • ½ small lemon juiced – Meyer is best, but others are fine too – add at the end to taste
  • Sea Salt to taste

In a small pot add the potatoes (1/4 them) with peels and simmer until soft

Medium pan - Dice onions and sauté with curry and sunflower oil or some other high heat oil – sauté until translucent

Get out the biggest pot you have

  • Add the water to the pot and fire it up until boiling add everything but the greens and onion. Let simmer until just soft.
  • Clean and cut greens or use the baby greens instead
  • Add collards first and simmer for 5 minutes
  • Add the Kale and chard and once that cooks down a bit add the spinach - steam or just put in the pot since you will be keeping and using the liquid.
  • Once the greens have cooked down, but not completely dead, just soft, remove the ingredients to a large bowl and put the water in a large cup so you can add for blending.
  • Blend all ingredients, and as you go, put them back into your large pot. Use your cooking water from spuds and greens – when you run out, add more water if needed. Once blended the texture should be smooth and not too thick or thin – this is to your liking.
  • Now that you have everything blended and back in the pot salt to taste using a good sea salt. You won’t need much.
  • Add lemon juice to taste. The lemon with greens adds a Mediterranean flare – for this amount of soup I use ½ to 1 meyer lemon. You can overdo lemon so less is more and you can always add more. Once the soup is a consistency that you like pour yourself a wonderfully nutritious bowl and freeze the rest in mason jars. Let the soup cool in the refrigerator first overnight, then freeze – leave 1” free at the top for expansion.