Dr. Simpson provides an expert analysis of your bone density (DXA) scans. In her audio report, she thoroughly assesses the reliability of your tests, and conducts a comparison analysis if you have more than one test. If there is an error that is correctable, she will provide you with an example of what the DXA facility needs to correct so that your bone density comparison will be reliable. When you schedule a Bone Density Analysis, you are NOT scheduling an appointment with Dr. Lani. You are scheduling a deadline by which you will receive your recorded audio report from her. She will send the recorded report to you via email on the day of your appointment.
Please read the instructions below:
NOTE: If you would like us to
return your materials (test results, CDs, etc) after analysis, you MUST
include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Otherwise we will be unable
to return them and they will be destroyed. Preferably, send copies, as
we keep the hardcopies of your reports for filing. We are not
responsible for any loss of documents if you send originals without
properly labeled return postage.